A Chennai court has asked the Crime Branch Police to submit a report after probing the allegations made by a petitioner on the remake rights of Vijay’s forthcoming film ‘Kaavalkaran’, directed by popular Malayalam director Siddique.
In his petition, Johny Thomas of West Mambalam in Chennai has said that he had produced the Malayalam film ‘Bodyguard’ a couple of years ago and he was the actual owner of the film’s rights.
“But without my knowledge, director Siddique is remaking the film in Tamil with Vijay playing the lead role. Since he has no legal rights to do so, the Court should order the police to register a case on him,” Johny Thomas said.
When the case came up for hearing, the Eleventh Magistrate of Saidapet Court instructed the Crime Branch Police to conduct detail investigations on the allegations made by Johny Thomas and submit a report to the Court.
30 June 2010
Pangaea Pandiraj’s next project Vamsam is well underway and shows signs of a late 2010 release. According to the industry buzz, the audio release event of Vamsam will be held in Sathyam, Chennai on July 2, 2010.
The event will be chaired by the Chief Minister, who will also release the movie’s audio. Joining him on the dais will be Suriya and Vijay who will receive the first CD from the CM. Vamsam has Arulnidhi from the CM’s family playing the lead and Sunaina is paired opposite him. The movie is scored by Taj Noor.
The event will be chaired by the Chief Minister, who will also release the movie’s audio. Joining him on the dais will be Suriya and Vijay who will receive the first CD from the CM. Vamsam has Arulnidhi from the CM’s family playing the lead and Sunaina is paired opposite him. The movie is scored by Taj Noor.
29 June 2010
Ravan 38 crores & Ravanan 11 crores
மணிரத்னம் இந்தி, தமிழ், தெலுங்கில் இயக்கிய ராவணன்-ராவண் படம் இரு வேறான வசூலைக் கொடுத்து வருகிறதாம். முதல் மூன்று நாட்களில் இந்தப் படம் (தமிழ், இந்தி, தெலுங்கு [^] ஆகிய மூன்று மொழிகளிலும் சேர்த்து) ரூ.53 கோடி வசூலைப் பெற்றுள்ளதாக ரிலையன்ஸ் பிக் பிக்சர்ஸ் நிறுவனம் அறிவித்துள்ளது.
வட அமெரிக்கா [^]வில் ராவண் திரையிடப்பட்ட திரையரங்குகளில் திருப்திகரமான அளவு கூட்டம் இல்லாததால், வசூலில் வீழ்ச்சி ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது.
அமெரிக்காவிலும் கனடாவிலும் முதல் மூன்று நாட்களில் 5 லட்சத்து 50 ஆயிரம் டாலர் மட்டுமே வசூலாகியுள்ளது.
நியூயார்க் டைம்ஸ், லாஸ் ஏஞ்சல்ஸ் டைம்ஸ் போன்ற பத்திரிகைகளில் படம் குறித்து ஓரளவு நல்ல விமர்சனங்கள் வெளியாகியும், தியேட்டர்களில் பாதியளவு கூட நிரம்பாததால் இந்த வாரத்துடன் படத்தைத் தூக்க வேண்டிய கட்டாயம் ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது.
மூன்றாண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு மணிரத்னத்தின் குரு படம் வெளியானபோது, வட அமெரிக்காவில் மட்டும் முதல் மூன்று நாட்களில் 1 மில்லியன் டாலருக்கு மேல் வசூலானது. ஆனால், அதில் பாதியளவுக்குக் கூட ராவண் வசூலிக்கவில்லை.
இதே நிலை நீடித்தால் இரண்டாவது வாரம் இந்தப் படம் தூக்கப்பட்டு விடும் என பாக்ஸ் ஆபீஸ் வட்டாரங்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.
நியூயார்க் மற்றும் நியூஜெர்ஸி ரசிகர்களில் பலர், இந்தப் படம் 'நவீன ராமாயணமாக' இருக்கும் என நினைத்தே வந்ததாகவும், ஆனால் சொதப்பலான க்ளைமாக்ஸ் மற்றும் விக்ரமின் பாத்திரப் படைப்பைப் பார்த்து ஏமாந்து விட்டதாகவும் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.
வசூல் எவ்வளவு?:
முதல் மூன்று நாட்களில் இந்தப் படம் மூன்று மொழிகளிலும் சேர்த்து ரூ.53 கோடியை வசூலித்துள்ளதாக ரிலையன்ஸ் பிக் பிக்சர்ஸ் நிறுவனம் அறிவித்துள்ளது.
இதில் தமிழ் ராவணன் மட்டும் ரூ.11 கோடி வசூலித்துள்ளது. தெலுங்கு பதிப்பு உலகமெங்கும் ரூ.4 கோடியை ஈட்டியுள்ளது. ராவண் இந்திப் பதிப்பு ரூ.38 கோடியை வசூலித்துள்ளது.
இந்திப் படமான ராவணுக்கு வட இந்தியாவில் வரவேற்பில்லை. துவக்க நாளில் 40 சதவீத பார்வையாளர்களே வந்ததாகவும், பல மல்டிப்ளெக்ஸ் திரையரங்குகள் காலியாக இருந்ததாகவும் பாலிவுட் [^] விமர்சகர்கள் எழுதியுள்ளனர்.
அவெர்ஸ் ஃபன் சினிமா மல்டிப்ளெக்ஸின் சிஇஓ விஷால் கபூர் கூறுகையில், "எங்கள் திரையரங்குக்கு 25 சதவீத பார்வையாளர்கள்தான் வந்தார்கள். இப்போது இன்னும் மோசம்..." என்றார்.
தமிழகத்தில் ராவணனுக்கு ஓரளவு நல்ல துவக்கம் இருந்தது. ஆனால் படம் குறித்த செய்தி பரவியதும் திங்களன்றே பல திரையரங்குகள் வெறிச்சோட ஆரம்பித்துள்ளனவாம்.
தெலுங்கில் நிலைமை படுமோசம் என ரிலையன்ஸே ஒப்புக் கொண்டுள்ளது.
வட அமெரிக்கா [^]வில் ராவண் திரையிடப்பட்ட திரையரங்குகளில் திருப்திகரமான அளவு கூட்டம் இல்லாததால், வசூலில் வீழ்ச்சி ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது.
அமெரிக்காவிலும் கனடாவிலும் முதல் மூன்று நாட்களில் 5 லட்சத்து 50 ஆயிரம் டாலர் மட்டுமே வசூலாகியுள்ளது.
நியூயார்க் டைம்ஸ், லாஸ் ஏஞ்சல்ஸ் டைம்ஸ் போன்ற பத்திரிகைகளில் படம் குறித்து ஓரளவு நல்ல விமர்சனங்கள் வெளியாகியும், தியேட்டர்களில் பாதியளவு கூட நிரம்பாததால் இந்த வாரத்துடன் படத்தைத் தூக்க வேண்டிய கட்டாயம் ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது.
மூன்றாண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு மணிரத்னத்தின் குரு படம் வெளியானபோது, வட அமெரிக்காவில் மட்டும் முதல் மூன்று நாட்களில் 1 மில்லியன் டாலருக்கு மேல் வசூலானது. ஆனால், அதில் பாதியளவுக்குக் கூட ராவண் வசூலிக்கவில்லை.
இதே நிலை நீடித்தால் இரண்டாவது வாரம் இந்தப் படம் தூக்கப்பட்டு விடும் என பாக்ஸ் ஆபீஸ் வட்டாரங்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.
நியூயார்க் மற்றும் நியூஜெர்ஸி ரசிகர்களில் பலர், இந்தப் படம் 'நவீன ராமாயணமாக' இருக்கும் என நினைத்தே வந்ததாகவும், ஆனால் சொதப்பலான க்ளைமாக்ஸ் மற்றும் விக்ரமின் பாத்திரப் படைப்பைப் பார்த்து ஏமாந்து விட்டதாகவும் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.
வசூல் எவ்வளவு?:
முதல் மூன்று நாட்களில் இந்தப் படம் மூன்று மொழிகளிலும் சேர்த்து ரூ.53 கோடியை வசூலித்துள்ளதாக ரிலையன்ஸ் பிக் பிக்சர்ஸ் நிறுவனம் அறிவித்துள்ளது.
இதில் தமிழ் ராவணன் மட்டும் ரூ.11 கோடி வசூலித்துள்ளது. தெலுங்கு பதிப்பு உலகமெங்கும் ரூ.4 கோடியை ஈட்டியுள்ளது. ராவண் இந்திப் பதிப்பு ரூ.38 கோடியை வசூலித்துள்ளது.
இந்திப் படமான ராவணுக்கு வட இந்தியாவில் வரவேற்பில்லை. துவக்க நாளில் 40 சதவீத பார்வையாளர்களே வந்ததாகவும், பல மல்டிப்ளெக்ஸ் திரையரங்குகள் காலியாக இருந்ததாகவும் பாலிவுட் [^] விமர்சகர்கள் எழுதியுள்ளனர்.
அவெர்ஸ் ஃபன் சினிமா மல்டிப்ளெக்ஸின் சிஇஓ விஷால் கபூர் கூறுகையில், "எங்கள் திரையரங்குக்கு 25 சதவீத பார்வையாளர்கள்தான் வந்தார்கள். இப்போது இன்னும் மோசம்..." என்றார்.
தமிழகத்தில் ராவணனுக்கு ஓரளவு நல்ல துவக்கம் இருந்தது. ஆனால் படம் குறித்த செய்தி பரவியதும் திங்களன்றே பல திரையரங்குகள் வெறிச்சோட ஆரம்பித்துள்ளனவாம்.
தெலுங்கில் நிலைமை படுமோசம் என ரிலையன்ஸே ஒப்புக் கொண்டுள்ளது.
Gautham out… who directs ajith’s 50th film?
Cloud Nine’s proposed latest announcement will mark an end to the rumors surrounding Ajith’s 50th movie. The production company that owns Ajith’s call sheets is on the verge of producing a movie with Ajith in the lead, to be directed by Venkat Prabhu. Set in the backdrop of Mumbai’s Dharavi slums, this movie has been titled Mangatha.
On the other hand, Cloud Nine also owns the call sheet of Gautham Menon. Although there’s no news about what happened to the earlier speculated Gautham Menon–Ajith venture, looks like a Gautham–Cloud Nine production is in the cards. However, it is unclear if the director will wield the megaphone for a film that will have Ajith once the actor completes the assignment with Venkat Prabhu.
On the other hand, Cloud Nine also owns the call sheet of Gautham Menon. Although there’s no news about what happened to the earlier speculated Gautham Menon–Ajith venture, looks like a Gautham–Cloud Nine production is in the cards. However, it is unclear if the director will wield the megaphone for a film that will have Ajith once the actor completes the assignment with Venkat Prabhu.
28 June 2010
Asin meets Dhoni again
His April visit to her star home in suburban Mumbai to watch the ongoing semi final match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Mumbai Indians had generated ample fodder for gossip.
Recently, M. S. Dhoni paid another visit to Asin's swanky residence and his time he hadn't zoomed in to catch any match. Rather, the two reportedly spent time chilling out with each other!
Mahi and Asin turned pally after the duo shot for two ad commercials together. And by the looks of it, the two got along like the proverbial house on fire.
What's better… post the Mumbai meeting the twosome showed up at Sri Lanka too. Asin for the filming of Anees Bazmee's 'Ready' and Dhoni heading his team at the Asia Cup.
The South grapevine is abuzz with Dhoni Asin rumours and speculation is rife that they're a romantic item.
Now for the clarification…
Recently, M. S. Dhoni paid another visit to Asin's swanky residence and his time he hadn't zoomed in to catch any match. Rather, the two reportedly spent time chilling out with each other!
Mahi and Asin turned pally after the duo shot for two ad commercials together. And by the looks of it, the two got along like the proverbial house on fire.
What's better… post the Mumbai meeting the twosome showed up at Sri Lanka too. Asin for the filming of Anees Bazmee's 'Ready' and Dhoni heading his team at the Asia Cup.
The South grapevine is abuzz with Dhoni Asin rumours and speculation is rife that they're a romantic item.
Now for the clarification…
Ranjitha becomes writer
Ranjitha is taking a new avatar. The actress, who hit the headlines after some ‘controversial tapes’ were aired on television channels, is busy penning two books with the “support of her husband and family members”.
“One of my books is aimed at helping people caught in problems and the other is a fiction, set around today’s youth. I am holding talks with publishers and the one dealing with problems will be released first,” she said in an interview.
The actress, who said she was badly hurt thanks to the video clips, added: “The media was showing me in a bad light. But my husband, parents, in-laws and other family members stood as pillars of strength.”
On her future plans, she said, “I want to take a break from acting. I am very fond of Indian spiritual writing and basically a book worm. I would like to write more books.” Meanwhile, reports have it that Ranjitha, who came to Chennai recently, met up with CB-CID officials and submitted her version in the Nithyananda case.
22 June 2010
Dhanush – the proud father!
Aishwarya Dhanush, daughter of Rajinikanth, delivered a baby boy at 6.21 AM this morning (June 21st, 2010). Aishwarya was admitted to the Apollo Hospital in Chennai where she delivered the baby. Both the baby and mother are in good health, according to sources. It has to be mentioned here that the couple already have a son named Yatra. Behindwoods.com and its readers wish the couple happy parenting!
17 June 2010
Raj Tv buys Ravaanan for Rs 5 crores
One of the old and leading Tamil channels Raj TV has acquired the satellite rights of Mani Ratnam’s ‘Raavanan’ for an astronomical amount of Rs.5 crores.
Well ‘Raavanan’’s Hindi version ‘Raavan’ is being premiered in London and while the premiere’s not over yet, the sale of the rights has been announced. It is learnt that a tough battle for buying the rights had taken place and Raj TV emerged winner among all the other Tamil satellite channels. With this ‘Raavanan’ comes to the second place of the ‘Highest Paid Tamil Movie for Satellite Rights’ list. With the first being Rajinikanth’s ‘Sivaji’.
Buying the rights, Raj TV that has always been screening small budget or old movies, has for the first time bought a big budget movie for such a huge price. Nevertheless the efforts will pay off when ‘Raavanan’ will have a Television premiere on a festive day
Well ‘Raavanan’’s Hindi version ‘Raavan’ is being premiered in London and while the premiere’s not over yet, the sale of the rights has been announced. It is learnt that a tough battle for buying the rights had taken place and Raj TV emerged winner among all the other Tamil satellite channels. With this ‘Raavanan’ comes to the second place of the ‘Highest Paid Tamil Movie for Satellite Rights’ list. With the first being Rajinikanth’s ‘Sivaji’.
Buying the rights, Raj TV that has always been screening small budget or old movies, has for the first time bought a big budget movie for such a huge price. Nevertheless the efforts will pay off when ‘Raavanan’ will have a Television premiere on a festive day
Mani wanted to retire after 'Raavanan

Mani Ratnam has revealed a secret that he actually planned to bid adieu to films after completing 'Raavanan'. He however has changed the plan now and is getting ready for his next project.
"When I was getting ready to start ‘Raavanan’, I thought I would retire after this venture. I wanted to settle in Kodaikanal and play golf everyday. Having completed the movie now, I am ready to start my next project soon," the filmmaker said.
At the same time, Mani is not sure about the nature of his next film. "Honestly, I have no idea about it. But I am keen about starting it soon. Let's see."
The director, who is awaiting the release of 'Raavanan' this Friday, said "I am not worried about the craze and expectations. I just want to get the film right and do as good as I can."
16 June 2010
The audio launch of Endhiran will take place on July 18th. This is a strong indication that the film is gearing up for a release sooner than expected. Endhiran is a very high budget movie, which is being produced by Sun Pictures and directed by Shankar. The film has Rajinikanth pairing up with the former Miss World Aishwarya Rai Bachchan for the first time, which has created a lot of expectations among the fans. AR Rahman’s music is another highlight.
Being a big budget film, there is a strong indication that Endhiran’s audio launch will be a grand affair. Let’s wait for more info on this.
Being a big budget film, there is a strong indication that Endhiran’s audio launch will be a grand affair. Let’s wait for more info on this.
15 June 2010
Kollywood is buzzing with news that Vijay is being considered for the lead role in Pagalavan. Apparently, director Seeman and producer Kalaipuli S Dhanu discussed about this project and are doing the groundwork. Enquiries in Kollywood revealed that it is true that there has been a discussion on this venture, but neither the producer nor the director discussed on the lead actor. Both of them have stated that once the project is finalized they will make an official announcement as to who the lead actor is. They clarified that they have never considered Vijay but did not rule out the possibility of signing him up as the hero.
13 June 2010
10 June 2010
Harald Zwart Directs The Karate Kid Like An Independent Film
The challenge of remaking a beloved classic like The Karate Kid is one thing. Taking that remake to China, filming on location in the streets of Beijing with stars like Will Smith and Jackie Chan on the set, and taking the whole show to the Great Wall? That's not a challenge; that's insanity. But director Harald Zwart, after a career spent filming commercials and movies all over the globe, wasn't just up for the challenge of filming in a complicated country like China-- he was downright excited.
Zwart came on board the project well after it was in development with Overbrook Entertainment and the Smith family in charge, but says he immediately connected with the story's emotional elements and brought in ideas of how to incorporate the stunning Beijing scenery by filming the movie as if it were an independent film
. Hey, I promise it makes sense when he explains it. Check out our exclusive interview with Zwart below, and catch The Karate Kid in theaters this weekend.
The movie was in the works before you came on, and it was in some ways the Smith family's production. How did that affect your work as a director?
Overbrook is a great company who really respects a filmmaker. They want to have the filmmaker come on board and give his vision. What really responded to me with the project was the emotional connection I had with the story, and also the visual side of it. China opens up huge possibilities for just making it a visually stunning movie. In addition to the obvious story points, I wanted to shoot it as if it was an independent movie, but with a huge scope.
What do you mean by independent movie?
It's the whole approach to how you do a scene. The handheld, the camera is not interfering, shoot on existing locations. I had a 550-man crew but most of the time we left them back at the studio, because when we were shooting in the streets of Beijin or up in the mountains, I had drilled everybody to bring as little equipment as they could. Will came in disguise with a basketball hat and sunglasses. You can't really go anywhere, especially with Jackie Chan in China, without creating a mania. We just had to get a different approach. You treat it as if you don't have all the money, and you just bring exactly the lenses you need, the equipment you need. You're able to be a flexible, fast crew. That's how we managed to shoot the Forbidden City, the busiest airport in China. It was all done with this mythology, which worked well.Everyone was great sports. I had Will Smith carry lens cases up the top of a mountain.
Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan have really different levels of acting experience. How did you prepare both of them for the movie, which required so much of them?
Jaden started training about four months before the shoot, or maybe more. He went through a gruesome training period, five times a week, several hours a day. I was up there almost every day, filming him, watching him train. It was very helpful in the sense that this became the road map and model for how his training would be in the movie. Jaden had to learn Chinese, he had a bunch of lines, he's in every scene of the movie. And he goes places emotionally that I think are very very impressive. There's not a false moment in the movie.
So how did you get that performance out of him?
That's what's great about great actors, whether they're young or old. If they have it in them-- obviously Jaden with the DNA, the pedigree, is terrific. It's not so much teaching them how to do it, you've just got to help them to get there. It's all about creating the right circumstances sometimes to let them go the last mile themselves.
We haven't seen a performance this dramatic from Jackie Chan in English before. It's interesting to see him stretch that way.
The first time I met Jackie, we had conversations not so much about the movie but about life in general, and you very quickly discover that he's a man with the heart in the right place. He can get emotional, he has childhood memories like the rest of us. You learn something about the person. He also had a strong willingness to go there.
The movie is dramatic overall, and more than you might expect for a Karate Kid movie. How did that decision get made?
That's where I connected with Overbrook. I think the studio too had hopes that it would be a true emotional movie. There's no way you can get the chills at the end unless you're emotionally invested in the characters. I think we al felt that that was the direction to go. Will's a terrific actor himself, he's a genius in how to steer all of us and inspire us to go to places. We all had the same vision in the drama I think.
What is Will Smith's role on the set, maybe different than what an average producer might do?
First of all he was a dad to Jaden. And to me he was a producer who had a great-- he's just an incredibly inspiring guy. You really get inspired by being around him. He does it with positive energy. There were days when I felt like, oh my God-- you have good days and bad days as a director. Just having WIll take me for a little walk, pep talk-- it's the kind of stuff a really great producer is made of. Like I said, the whole Overbrook spirit is to support the filmmaker. No idea is a bad idea. We all agree it's better to just try than discuss it to pieces. He was constantly thinking of ways to make it better. He was just a really fantastic creative producer who I loved working with.
How did you guys balance the references to the first movie and making something that was your own?
I always felt like I wasn't remaking a movie, I was retelling a story. To me it's a really good story. We were all kind of aware-- I know that everybody's waiting for these iconic moments, and there's no way we can really top them, because they were really well done in the original.
How did you change it to "Jacket on, jacket off" instead of "Wax on, wax off."
That was actually born out of my first meeting with Jackie. We were looking for a movie-- in karate it's almost mechanical, at least in the original movie. Whereas in kung fu, one swooping move consists of five different moves. It's sort of like a ballet, where all the other moves are buried inside one move that looks so simple from the outside. It was in conversations with Jackie where we discussed this jacket, taking off the jacket. We explored every possible normal move a kid would do during the day. It was Jackie who came up with the idea that when you take your jacket off and hang it up, it could also be the blocking and the pushing away. Then I got chills-- I have it on video when he does it, and I said "There it is. That's the move." Then we worked backwards and made that into the one thing his mom is trying to teach him.
09 June 2010
Problems Solved "Vijay"
According to news reaching us the issue between theatre owners and Vijay is amicably resolved. A settlement was reached with some last minute negotiations involving Nadigar Sangam also.
There was disenchantment between the actor and theatre owners after the theatre owners association raised a revolt against Vijay saying they had incurred heavy loses by screening successive Vijay films and so the actor was asked to compensate the loses in some ways.
As per the negotiations and agreement Vijay will take over the film ‘Kaavalkaran’ as a first copy basis and release it after settling the mutually accepted loses. And more the new film will be released in theaters which incurred losses screening Vijay films on priority.
‘Kaavalkaran’ is a remake of Malayalam hit ‘Bodyguard’. It also makes the return of Asin to Kollywood. The film is expected to be released in August.
There was disenchantment between the actor and theatre owners after the theatre owners association raised a revolt against Vijay saying they had incurred heavy loses by screening successive Vijay films and so the actor was asked to compensate the loses in some ways.
As per the negotiations and agreement Vijay will take over the film ‘Kaavalkaran’ as a first copy basis and release it after settling the mutually accepted loses. And more the new film will be released in theaters which incurred losses screening Vijay films on priority.
‘Kaavalkaran’ is a remake of Malayalam hit ‘Bodyguard’. It also makes the return of Asin to Kollywood. The film is expected to be released in August.
Warning Issues Sneha
Sneha is irked a lot about gossips on her that appear in a section of the media. “I have no other option than taking legal action if this trend continues,” says the actress, issuing a warning to those spreading rumours.
“Actresses are not sex workers. It is not fair to write gossips on them just because they are into acting profession. We too have a family and those spreading rumours should understand the pain we undergo thanks to their acts,” she says.
“I would no more take things easy,” the ‘smiling beauty says and adds: “I would sure take legal action if this trend continues. I am open to criticism, but not to such cheap acts which agonises me a lot.”
Changing the topic, the actress says, “This is my 10th year in cinema. I am currently doing a crucial role in Prashanth starrer ‘Ponnan Sankar’ which has dialogues by Chief Minister M Karunanidhi. Besides, I am playing the lead role in ‘Bhavani IPS’ and Sarath Kumar’s Vidiyal.”
“Actresses are not sex workers. It is not fair to write gossips on them just because they are into acting profession. We too have a family and those spreading rumours should understand the pain we undergo thanks to their acts,” she says.
“I would no more take things easy,” the ‘smiling beauty says and adds: “I would sure take legal action if this trend continues. I am open to criticism, but not to such cheap acts which agonises me a lot.”
Changing the topic, the actress says, “This is my 10th year in cinema. I am currently doing a crucial role in Prashanth starrer ‘Ponnan Sankar’ which has dialogues by Chief Minister M Karunanidhi. Besides, I am playing the lead role in ‘Bhavani IPS’ and Sarath Kumar’s Vidiyal.”
Pornstar Belladonna Will Attempt To Mainstream In The Horror Movie Stripped
Back in 2008, world famous adult film actress Jenna Jameson made the leap into mainstream film by doing a film called Zombie Strippers!. The next year, director Steven Soderbergh decided to cast Sasha Grey, another adult film star, in his film The Girlfriend Experience. Neither film did particularly well in theaters - largely due to lack of exposure (puns!) - but both stand as examples of the minor things people can do to outrage other people. So who will be the next porn star to make the leap?
Michelle "Belladonna" Sinclair, that's who. According to a press release from Wildworks Productions, Sinclair has been cast in the upcoming horror film Stripped, directed by first-timer John Wildman. In the film, which follows three young boys as they are "trapped in a house with a 'family' of malevolent women," Sinclair will play Ginger, a new girl to the house. Production is set to begin in Dallas this fall.
It doesn't take an idiot to see that this casting move was done to draw attention to a small independent film, but some credit is due to Sinclair for choosing the role. In their films, Jameson played a stripper while Grey played a prostitute. At least this adult film actress is trying to show some range.
Michelle "Belladonna" Sinclair, that's who. According to a press release from Wildworks Productions, Sinclair has been cast in the upcoming horror film Stripped, directed by first-timer John Wildman. In the film, which follows three young boys as they are "trapped in a house with a 'family' of malevolent women," Sinclair will play Ginger, a new girl to the house. Production is set to begin in Dallas this fall.
It doesn't take an idiot to see that this casting move was done to draw attention to a small independent film, but some credit is due to Sinclair for choosing the role. In their films, Jameson played a stripper while Grey played a prostitute. At least this adult film actress is trying to show some range.
Genelia shoots with Vijay in Chennai
On Sunday (June 6) afternoon Genelia and Vijay did a photo shoot for Jayam Raja’s new film Velayudham, at a studio in Saligramam. A source close to the unit say that Vijay looks handsome in the pictures and the chemistry between the pair is rocking. About two weeks back Hansika Motwani, the other heroine of the film did a shoot with Vijay for the same film.Velayudham is a remake of the Telugu Nagarjuna- Soundarya Azad and has Genelia playing a news reporter and Hansika is a girl from the village. Vijay plays a larger than life modern Robinhood type of character. Genelia has featured with Vijay earlier in Sachin, which was just an average grosser. Velayudham is a very important film for Vijay and is produced by Aascar Ravichandran.
07 June 2010
Prabhu Deva - Nayanthara exchange garlands before parents
Prabhu Deva and Nayanthara exchange garlands in front of his parents after an auspicious pooja.
After her breakup with Simbu, Nayanthara found solace in Prabhu Deva's friendship and that soon turned to love. They have been almost living together, staying together in hotels and traveling abroad together. But Prabhu Deva is already married and has a wife 2 kids.
Prabhu Deva's wife Ramalat has been dead against this and has been vociferous about it too. But his parents dance master Sundaram and mom Mahadevamma have been supporting this romance. Sundaram master's house is in Alwarpet opposite Narads Gana Sabha. A special yagam and pooja conducted by 4 priests took place yesterday and went on past noon.
Like a bridal couple, Prabhu Deva and Nayantara were sitting there with garlands on. When the priests chanted mantras, they exchanged garlands. The priest blessed the couple with rice confetti. Only close relatives of dance master Sundaram were present.
After her breakup with Simbu, Nayanthara found solace in Prabhu Deva's friendship and that soon turned to love. They have been almost living together, staying together in hotels and traveling abroad together. But Prabhu Deva is already married and has a wife 2 kids.
Prabhu Deva's wife Ramalat has been dead against this and has been vociferous about it too. But his parents dance master Sundaram and mom Mahadevamma have been supporting this romance. Sundaram master's house is in Alwarpet opposite Narads Gana Sabha. A special yagam and pooja conducted by 4 priests took place yesterday and went on past noon.
Like a bridal couple, Prabhu Deva and Nayantara were sitting there with garlands on. When the priests chanted mantras, they exchanged garlands. The priest blessed the couple with rice confetti. Only close relatives of dance master Sundaram were present.
When is Trisha Marriage ?
த்ரிஷாவுக்கு எப்போது திருமணம் என்ற கேள்விக்கு அவரது தாயார் உமா பதில் அளித்துள்ளார். பள்ளியில் படிக்கும்போதே விளம்பரப் படங்கள் மூலம் நடிப்புத் துறைக்குள் நுழைந்த த்ரிஷா, மிஸ் சென்னை பட்டத்தை வென்றதும் மவுனம் பேசியதே படம் மூலம் தமிழ் சினிமாவில் அறிமுகமானார். முதலில் ஒப்பந்தமானது லேசா லேசா படம் என்றாலும் அந்த படம் நான்காவது படமாகத்தான் ரீலிஸ் ஆனது. தமிழ், தெலுங்கு, இந்தி என பிஸியாக இருக்கும் த்ரிஷாவுக்கு திருமணம் செய்து வைக்க அவரது பெற்றோர் முடிவு செய்திருப்பதாக தகவல்கள் வெளியாகியுள்ளன. இதுபற்றி த்ரிஷா அளித்துள்ள பேட்டியில், இப்போதைக்கு திருமணம் பற்றி யோசிக்கவில்லை. எனக்கு கணவராக வருகிறவருக்கு நான் விரும்பும் லட்சணங்கள் இருக்க வேண்டும். அப்படி ஒருவரை பார்க்கும்போது கண்டிப்பாக சொல்கிறேன், என்றார்.
தனது பெற்றோர் தன் மீது வைத்திருக்கும் பாசம் குறித்து கூறிய த்ரிஷா, எனக்கு அப்பா - அம்மா என்றால் உயிர். எனக்கு சாக்லெட் பிடிக்கும். சிறுவயதில் என் அம்மா சாக்லெட் தந்தால்தான் உணவு சாப்பிடுவேன். பள்ளிக்கு மதிய உணவோடு சேர்த்து ஒரு சாக்லெட்டையும் வைத்து என் அம்மா தந்து அனுப்புவார். எது கேட்டாலும் மறுப்பு சொல்லமாட்டார்கள். சினிமாவுக்கு அனுப்புவதற்கு முதலில் யோசித்தனர். நான் பிடிவாதமாக இருந்ததால் என் ஆசைக்கு குறுக்கே நிற்காமல் சம்மதித்தனர். எனக்கு தைரியம், தன்னம்பிக்கை நிறைய உண்டு. அவை என் அம்மாவிடம் இருந்து வந்தவை. வீட்டில் என் அறையை சுத்தமாக வைத்துக்கொள்வேன். மற்ற அறைகள் அசுத்தமாக இருந்தாலும் கண்டுக்கமாட்டேன். இதனாலேயே அம்மா என் மேல் கோபப்படுவது உண்டு. எனக்கு சமையல் தெரியாது. வீட்டில் இருந்தால் தியேட்டருக்கு குடும்பத்தோடு போய் படம் பார்க்க பிடிக்கும். நான் நடித்த படங்களை நிறைய தடவை திரும்ப திரும்ப பார்த்து இருக்கிறேன், என்று கூறியுள்ளார்.
த்ரிஷாவின் அம்மா உமா கூறுகையில், என் மகளை செல்லமாக வளர்த்து வருகிறோம். அவருக்கு பிடித்தவரை அவர் மணந்து கொள்ளலாம். த்ரிஷாவை கண்ணின் இமை போல பாதுகாக்கிறோம். அவரை புரிந்து கொள்பவர் கணவராக வர வேண்டு என எதிர்பார்க்கிறோம், என்று கூறினார்.
தனது பெற்றோர் தன் மீது வைத்திருக்கும் பாசம் குறித்து கூறிய த்ரிஷா, எனக்கு அப்பா - அம்மா என்றால் உயிர். எனக்கு சாக்லெட் பிடிக்கும். சிறுவயதில் என் அம்மா சாக்லெட் தந்தால்தான் உணவு சாப்பிடுவேன். பள்ளிக்கு மதிய உணவோடு சேர்த்து ஒரு சாக்லெட்டையும் வைத்து என் அம்மா தந்து அனுப்புவார். எது கேட்டாலும் மறுப்பு சொல்லமாட்டார்கள். சினிமாவுக்கு அனுப்புவதற்கு முதலில் யோசித்தனர். நான் பிடிவாதமாக இருந்ததால் என் ஆசைக்கு குறுக்கே நிற்காமல் சம்மதித்தனர். எனக்கு தைரியம், தன்னம்பிக்கை நிறைய உண்டு. அவை என் அம்மாவிடம் இருந்து வந்தவை. வீட்டில் என் அறையை சுத்தமாக வைத்துக்கொள்வேன். மற்ற அறைகள் அசுத்தமாக இருந்தாலும் கண்டுக்கமாட்டேன். இதனாலேயே அம்மா என் மேல் கோபப்படுவது உண்டு. எனக்கு சமையல் தெரியாது. வீட்டில் இருந்தால் தியேட்டருக்கு குடும்பத்தோடு போய் படம் பார்க்க பிடிக்கும். நான் நடித்த படங்களை நிறைய தடவை திரும்ப திரும்ப பார்த்து இருக்கிறேன், என்று கூறியுள்ளார்.
த்ரிஷாவின் அம்மா உமா கூறுகையில், என் மகளை செல்லமாக வளர்த்து வருகிறோம். அவருக்கு பிடித்தவரை அவர் மணந்து கொள்ளலாம். த்ரிஷாவை கண்ணின் இமை போல பாதுகாக்கிறோம். அவரை புரிந்து கொள்பவர் கணவராக வர வேண்டு என எதிர்பார்க்கிறோம், என்று கூறினார்.
Anushka plays second to Lakshmi Rai
Larencce, after ‘IKMS’ is working hard to retain his success quotient. The actor-director has started his second directorial venture in Tamil which will be a bi-lingual with Telugu also.
The film is a sequel to his earlier film ‘Muni’ and Larencce has titled it 'Kanchana'. News was out some time back that Anushka is the heroine for both versions and it is now being denied.
According to sources Anushka is playing an important role but that's not of the heroine. Larencce's ‘IKMS’ girl Lakshmi Rai plays the heroine role which features from start to finish. Anuskha's character appears only after the interval sources further add.
Larencce is introducing a new villain Satheesh in ‘Kanchana’. Currently the film is progressing at Sneha Bungalow on ECR with action scenes choreographed by Super Subbarayan canned under the direction of Larencce.
06 June 2010
Shoaib Akhtar is back
Pakisthan fast bowler "akthar" back in to the attack
Pakistan Cricket Board announced a 15-man squad for the Asia Cup to be played in Sri Lanka from June 15.
Surprisingly, controversial pace man Shoaib Akhtar has been recalled to the squad.
Akhtar last played for Pakistan in a Twenty20 International against Australia in Dubai on May 7, 2009.
Akhtar last played for Pakistan in a Twenty20 International against Australia in Dubai on May 7, 2009.
Former captain Shoaib Malik is also included in the Asia Cup squad.
Pakistan (Asia Cup squad): Shahid Afridi (Captain), Salman Butt (Vice captain), Imran Farhat, Umar Akmal, Asad Shafique, Umar Amin, Abdul Razzaq, Shoaib Malik, Muhammad Aamir, Muhammad Asif, Shoaib Akhter, Abdul Rehman, Shahzeb Hasan, Saeed Ajmal and Kamran Akmal.
05 June 2010
FEFSI calls for urgent meeting
The stars participating in IIFA in Colombo continue rubbing the South Indian Film Industry on the wrong side. Though attended by the mostly small second and third line stars IIFA still has a few popular stars like Salman Khan. But they seem to be louder than necessary.
The SIFCC is raging over the comments of those few. Vivek Oberoi yesterday said he has close connections with Tamil Nadu and so he regrets the Tamil industry boycotted it. Going a step over Salman had dared FEFSI speaking in a provocative tone "let them ban me'.
These confrontational outbursts have further irked FEFSI and so the all powerful body is holding an emergency meeting of its executive committee this evening to decide further actions to be taken.
I am doing Ajith’s film: Gautham

Denying reports appeared in a section of the media suggesting he may not do Ajith’s 50th film, Gautham Vasudev Menon has said he is ready with the script and is eagerly looking forward to start the project with A R Rahman as the music director.
“It’s ridiculous to deny something which I had never said. I don’t know how someone quotes me with something I didn’t utter. Ajith clearly said in the beginning itself that he could start working for the project only after completing the races. So I am waiting for him,” the film maker told a Tamil weekly.
Gautham, who said that some were badmouthing his movies saying there was lot of English usage in them, added: “I am portraying reality in my films. Can I show city-based lovers talking chaste Tamil?”
Stating that he might even stop doing Tamil films if this trend continued, the director further added: “I want enough freedom to make the movies I like. I would like to bring international cinema to Tamil audience.”
“It’s ridiculous to deny something which I had never said. I don’t know how someone quotes me with something I didn’t utter. Ajith clearly said in the beginning itself that he could start working for the project only after completing the races. So I am waiting for him,” the film maker told a Tamil weekly.
Gautham, who said that some were badmouthing his movies saying there was lot of English usage in them, added: “I am portraying reality in my films. Can I show city-based lovers talking chaste Tamil?”
Stating that he might even stop doing Tamil films if this trend continued, the director further added: “I want enough freedom to make the movies I like. I would like to bring international cinema to Tamil audience.”
04 June 2010
CM Invites, Vijay & Suriya to receive
A majestic audio launch function is being planned for 'Vamsam', a film which would spot the arrival of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi's grandson Arulnidhi Thamizharasu as hero.
If source are to be supposed, the music release event is scheduled in Chennai on July 2. The Chief Minister would preside over the function and would release the audio.
And the first copy would be received by Vijay and Suriya, the two top league actors of Tamil cinema. Many big guns of Kollywood would attend the grand function, sources maintain.
Arrangements for the event are being made by M K Thamizharasu, Arulnidhi's father and the producer of 'Vamsam'. Directed by Pandiraj of 'Pasanga' fame, ‘Vamsam’, set in the backdrop of a village in southern Tamil Nadu, has Sunaina as heroine.
03 June 2010
Red giant’s plan for silambarasan
Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa directed by Gautham Menon and produced by Escape Artists Motion Pictures and R S Infotainment is heading for century and is completing its 100 day run in a couple of days from now. At a time when completing single week at the box office is such a Herculean task for films, the success of VTV has come as a relief to the industry people.
To celebrate this milestone, the distributors of the film Red Giant Movies are planning on a massive celebration, the details of which would be revealed soon. The lead stars of the film Silambarasan and Trisha would undoubtedly be the happiest of them all to have starred in such a successful film which has earned them name and fame
Vijaya t rajendar to spread his wings to bollywood
It is a dream for many people who has tasted success in the Southern film industry to test their prowess in Hindi films too as it provides a national and international exposure. Following this course, Vijaya T Rajendar who is known for his multifaceted personality in Kollywood would soon be packing his bags to Mumbai.
Yes, this actor cum singer cum producer cum director dad of Silambarasan will be making a film in Hindi where he would continue to do the same roles that he did in Kodambakkam. Sources reveal that he has begun his ground work and is working hard to prepare himself for this new journey. He is currently undergoing training to improve his Hindi skills and also frequenting a gym to flex and tone his muscles
Yes, this actor cum singer cum producer cum director dad of Silambarasan will be making a film in Hindi where he would continue to do the same roles that he did in Kodambakkam. Sources reveal that he has begun his ground work and is working hard to prepare himself for this new journey. He is currently undergoing training to improve his Hindi skills and also frequenting a gym to flex and tone his muscles
'Bollywood Oscars' Sri Lanka warmly welcomes Indian stars attending
Jun 03, Colombo: Sri Lanka extended a warm welcome to the Indian movie stars arrived in the country defying the pressure from Tamil protestors in India to participate in the 11th International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA) commenced in Colombo today.
Several Bollywood stars including Vivek Oberoi, Lara Datta, Sophie Chaudhary, Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor, Bipasha Basu, Ritesh Deshmukh, Dia Mizra and Hrithik Roshan arrived in the country despite a call from the Tamil groups to boycott the event.
Issuing a congratulatory message, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said the event is of special significance to Sri Lanka and it was only possible to hold such an international event in Sri Lanka due to the peaceful atmosphere in the country.
Welcoming the Indian stars, Sri Lanka's cricket captain Kumar Sangakkara praised the actors' courage to attend the event in Sri Lanka.
Sangakkara is teaming up with other Sri Lankan cricketers and Indian movie stars Hrithik Roshan and Suniel Shetty to play a charity cricket match on the 4th of June for the benefit of the former child soldiers.
Sri Lanka police and armed forces have implemented special security measures to provide security to the attendees.
Special police and security personnel manned the main road from the airport to Colombo and the guests were escorted by a security vehicle.
Several roads in the vicinity of the places in the capital where the events are to be held are closed for public and public are advised to avoid those areas.
The Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) has spent Rs 75 million to give a complete facelift to the City for the awards ceremony which is to be held at the Sugathadasa Stadium.
The city's hotels are well prepared to host the celebrity guests attending the award ceremony and the other events associated with it that includes a business forum, a fashion show, and a celebrity cricket match between Bollywood stars and Sri Lankan cricketers.
IIFA 2010 in Colombo is expected to be attended by more than 600 Indian film industry guests and watched by over 600 million TV viewers in 110 nations.
Several Bollywood stars including Vivek Oberoi, Lara Datta, Sophie Chaudhary, Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor, Bipasha Basu, Ritesh Deshmukh, Dia Mizra and Hrithik Roshan arrived in the country despite a call from the Tamil groups to boycott the event.
Issuing a congratulatory message, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said the event is of special significance to Sri Lanka and it was only possible to hold such an international event in Sri Lanka due to the peaceful atmosphere in the country.
Welcoming the Indian stars, Sri Lanka's cricket captain Kumar Sangakkara praised the actors' courage to attend the event in Sri Lanka.
Sangakkara is teaming up with other Sri Lankan cricketers and Indian movie stars Hrithik Roshan and Suniel Shetty to play a charity cricket match on the 4th of June for the benefit of the former child soldiers.
Sri Lanka police and armed forces have implemented special security measures to provide security to the attendees.
Special police and security personnel manned the main road from the airport to Colombo and the guests were escorted by a security vehicle.
Several roads in the vicinity of the places in the capital where the events are to be held are closed for public and public are advised to avoid those areas.
The Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) has spent Rs 75 million to give a complete facelift to the City for the awards ceremony which is to be held at the Sugathadasa Stadium.
The city's hotels are well prepared to host the celebrity guests attending the award ceremony and the other events associated with it that includes a business forum, a fashion show, and a celebrity cricket match between Bollywood stars and Sri Lankan cricketers.
IIFA 2010 in Colombo is expected to be attended by more than 600 Indian film industry guests and watched by over 600 million TV viewers in 110 nations.
01 June 2010
Dhayanidhi’s introduced a new Tamil channel

Tamil entertainment industry is growing leaps and bounds. If the number of films produced is growing every year the number of television channels is also growing in Tamil Nadu. The newest entrant into the home television world is Dhayanidhi Alagiri.
Cloud Nine Movies Dhayanidhi Alagiri is already a producer and distributor of repute. He is also a name in cable television MSO. Now the energetic producer is planning start a new general entertainment television channel in Tamil. The channel name under wraps is 'Dhaya' according to sources.
Sources also say the work for the new channel has already started and an office is already functioning.
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